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Let’s be real, you could do it yourself… but

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Jackie Nunnally

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April 14, 2023

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Look, I am intentional about my “buts” and my “and alsos”…. and here’s what I’ve learned the hard way:

Just because you can wear all the hats doesn’t mean you HAVE to… especially if it doesn’t light you up.

I get it; you’ve got the “how hard could it be” gene that encourages you to try things yourself first before handing it off to someone else. I am right there with ya, friend. When curiosity and work ethic come together, it’s a beautiful thing, plus trying new things can expand experiences, impact perspectives and contribute to the handy dandy creative toolbelt… And also, when out of alignment, it can quickly turn into walking the burnout tightrope and eventually lead to plummeting into the deep end. So what’s the trick to this balancing act?

First thing, take a deep breath, drink some water, and prepare to get deep.

Take a moment to reflect on your why…your core why. Freedom?…harmony?…connection…? What else?

Above all else, trust your gut; your body knows your truth.

Soooo, you could do it yourself… but

If it doesn’t align with your core values, let it go; and if it’s not bringing you joy, hand it off to the pro.

You’ve got a dream, a calling, a mission that sits pretty damn close to your heart.. and you also know your time, energy, and resources are valuable. The best investments are the ones that can give us back our time and energy. That can take the form of asking for help, restructuring priorities, and finding ways to strengthen your mind-body-soul connection.

As much as it can sometimes be easier to do it yourself, truthfully, we aren’t meant to go it alone in this life, we are hardwired for connection. There is so much to gain from worlds colliding. Being able to contribute our experiences and the ways they have shaped our perception of the world around us, greatly influences the way we move through life. So when we come together, something new and unique forms, which is the beauty of staying curious, creative and connected.

I’m not saying it will always be easy. Coming from a fellow recovering perfectionist, it may sometimes feel like wrestling. It’s not always easy to let go of control and trust someone to help bring your visions to life the way you envision it. It can also feel vulnerable to let down the walls around your heart and let someone close enough to catch a glimpse of what you hold near and dear. But here’s the thing about trust; to gain trust, you must also be willing to give some of it away. That, is a true heart-centered balancing act performance right there.

Honestly, I am constantly learning new ways of perusing wholeness, and often times that looks like finding all the different ways of balancing creativity vs control and importance vs urgency. I am not sure if perfect balance exists either, but I do know wholeness exists and I am dedicated to being intentional in the time I’ve got here. Life is full of nuance and paradoxes so there is a season for everything; a season for grinding and hustling, a season for rest and stillness, a season of growth, and a season for letting go.

So whether that’s branding, photography, design, entrepreneurship, or persuing any creative endever, you don’t have to do it alone. If there is an aspect that isn’t life-giving right now, here is the permission slip you’ve been waiting for to start lightening the load.. or, you know what, don’t even put it on your plate in the first place. Reach out and ask for help, it’s worth it.

Anywoozers, all that to say… if you’re all about avoiding having one less existential crisis that comes with:

  • spending way too much time scrolling on social media for how-tos and inspo
  • getting lost down a seemingly endless research rabbit hole for the best cameras, lenses, and technical equipment
  • starting a new collection of random craft supplies for props and backdrops
  • losing sleep to late-night YouTube marathons on all things cameras and editing tutorials
  • And signing up for a plethora of photography business subscriptions, tools, and workshops…
  • or spinning your wheels, getting lost in the sauce, or spending too much time on the overthinking train…

I see you, I hear you, and I got you.

Getting to capture intentional brands, leaders, and artisans is what lights me up, plus I’ve already put in a lot of behind-the-scenes work, so you don’t have to.

Of course, if you are looking for a brand photographer, you’ve come to the right place. I would love to hear your sky’s -the-limit- visions and see how I can help bring some of it to life (wink* wink* shameless plug). And, I also know finding the right photographer that matches your needs is crucial, so I definitely encourage you to shop around a bit. Heck, if you want some recommendations, I’ve got plenty I know and trust so I am happy to send you their way. I know I will not be the best fit for everyone and that’s okay, the most important thing is that you trust your gut and find what works best for you. So whether you end up working with me, looking to expand your creative circle, or just happened to stumble upon the permission slip you needed to start bringing your visions to life… I gotcha and I’m happy you’re here.

You already know great images attract dreamy clients, convert visitors into loyal brand hype-up pals and level up the confidence in sharing your products and services with the world. So let’s keep you on track with what you love to do because when you spend your creative zone of genius, you transform people’s everyday lives and empower others to live life to the fullest.

You’ve got this!

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